Re: Que sera, sera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Ralph Krumdieck (ralphkru@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 12:02:52 EST

  • Next message: Susan Cogan: "Re: Que sera, sera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    >Ralph:It seems to me, too, that complexity should be more likely to arise
    >through intelligence rather than chance.
    >Silk here: There appear to be three factors at play here.
    >(1) Intelligence (2) chance & (3) your interpretation of them? If there is
    >an "uncreated creator" (god to many)
    >who is responsible for all then I believe that this unproduced producer
    >(god to many) must be magnanimous [relative to us] & capable of "anything""

    If you are limiting the discussion to "uncreated creators", then that keeps
    things in the realm
    of the supernatural and, by definition, such a Being would be capable of
    anything. But why
    "must" it be magnanimous towards us? Why couldn't it be simply neutral?

    >N' est-ce pas? Therefore if this "capable of anything entity" is the
    >designer then it would, given the above postulates, not be out of the
    >realm of possibility that this designer designed all to do what, when &
    >where it is doing how it is doing it & there is no intelligence nor chance
    >to it, only those adjectives you ascribe to it?
    >In other words all is doing what it does exactly how it is doing it
    >because it was programmed to do it that way
    >& none other & thats why it does what it does! Period!!

    Certainly, this is not "out of the realm of possibility".

    >It is however true that there are "things"going on that we mere mortals
    >can observe but let none dare call it chance nor intelligence yet treason!
    >Year 2000. State of the art thinking:

    "things"? Could you be clearer?

    >Psychiatrists delve into our brains & physiologists map out our bodies &
    >geneticists trace our DNA & the iron grip of heredity & as they do so they
    >discover how little control or responsibility, if any, we have over our
    >actions but yet most continue to cling to this "free will" nonsense .

    Are you planning on setting up a "It's-not-my-fault-my-genes-made-me-do-it"

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