Asking a small favour from you

From: sinem gungor (
Date: Thu Nov 23 2000 - 17:39:56 EST

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: Chance and Selection"

             Dear Mr./Mrs,
    I am a university student in Turkey. If you can able
    to find time I would like you to fill a small form. If
    you can give me a few minutes to answer them I will be
    very appreciate. Thanks so much.

    -Your profission:......

    -Have you ever read an essay called: "Bringing in
    Darwin" which is in the International Security
    Journal,fall 2000,vol 25 no:2.(author Bradley A.
    Thayer):.........,If so have you got any critiques for
    that reading?

    -Do you think that "evolutionary theory can improve
    the realist theory of international politics",if
    so,can you please explain why?

    -Do you think that "realists scholars can use
    evolutionary theory to construct verifiable scientific
    explanations", if so, why didn't they use it?

    -Do you think evolutionary theory provides a
    scientific background for realism?

    Again thanks for devoting your precious time
    Sinem GUNGOR

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