>>>Keith: There has been some recent articles and
letters about Intelligent Design and Young Earth creationism in "Geotimes,"
the magazine of the American Geological Institute. They include:...
DNAunion: I am curious how geology plays a *major* role in ID such that a
magazine by the American Geological Institute would have frequent articles on
Not that geology can't or doesn't have an impact on ID, but Behe bases his
design conclusion on biochemistry, Dembski on information
theory/probability/logic, and Dean Kenyon on abiogenesis. And their counters
to evolutionary theory also deal with subjects - not geology.
In addition, Dembski and Behe have both stated they hold to common descent (I
believe Kenyon does too, but I have not actually read where he states this as
his material I have read deals with OOL and not life's subsequent evolution)
and all three hold that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Dembski has also
stated that he does not consider Genesis - and Noah's flood - a scientific
account, and I believe Behe has stated the same (again, I know less about
Kenyon's views on evolution "proper" or Genesis as he focussed on the origin
of life). Therefore, geological evidence against claims of Noah's flood or a
young earth do not address the positions of at least the 3 ID people I have
read the most.
Is the magazine conflating ID with YEC?
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