Bertvan wrote: Having realized you are an icon of courtesy and consideration, Susan........
Silk here: Hummmmmmmm........ Icon of courtesy????
Can't possibly be talking about the same susan B!???
Different strokes for different folks, of that there can be no question! The Susan B or C or whatever she is refering to herself these days is anything but an icon of courtesy!
Try pompous & self-important ! An individual with no real grasp of the subject matter. One who has read a few articles & regurgitates them!! No mr. Bertvan she is in truth (whatever that is) no different than flanky & the group over at creationevolutiondebate [if she's as good], she's not here to learn nor to impart knowledge but to come off as an authority of sorts so as to massage her fragile ego & to shore up her own inferiority complexes. Quite frankly I like to buy her for what she's worth & sell her for what she thinks she's worth. Oh well susans desperate sense of inadequacy that demands to be filled is nothing new on this tiny pebble in the universe refered to as earth! There's one born every second, a "know it all"; pity them I say? Oh well Saturday night in amsterdam & I wonder what the coming night will bring? Yes susan even a hog can find an acorn
occasionally & you are calvins village idiot! Every list needs a village idiot. I guess you are about to get your "mail order" Phd. as did len flank...??? Hell why not they're only $12,50! chao/silk
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