>>>Richard Wein: Finally, as I'm trying to describe the situation in
DNAUnion's rather confusing terms, let me try to use his term "energy
conversion mechanism".
DNAunion: Yep, Richard, you're totally confused: but not by me -it's your
own doing. I have been bringing up *coupling mechanisms*, not *energy
conversion mechanisms*. Are you sure you are not talking about someone
else's term here? Huh?
>>>Richard Wein: Since the SLOT deals only with energy and entropy, I assume
that, by "energy conversion mechanism", DNAUnion means something which
"converts" energy into reduced entropy.
DNAunion: Well thanks for misassigning terms to me, then going further by
saying what I supposedly mean by my supposed term.
>>>Richard Wein: Well, the something that does this is the energy-driven
processes that I mentioned earlier, such as chemical reactions. If you want
to go to a lower level of explanation, then it's the primary physical
(nuclear) forces which cause chemical reactions.
DNAunion: While skimming posts, I noticed that David already corrected you
here (electromagnetic force, not either of the nuclear forces), so I won't go
into detail.
>>>Richard Wein: DNAUnion probably wants to know *which* chemical reactions
are (or might be) involved in abiogenesis.
DNAunion: Finally, he's back to DNAunion and has left his talks about my
apparently evil twin who says things about "energy conversion mechanisms"
that "convert" energy into reduced entropy".
>>>Richard Wein: Well, so do I! But that's outside the scope of the SLOT.
It's sufficient, as far as the SLOT is concerned, to know that there *are*
processes which "convert" energy into reduced entropy.
DNAunion: You are not paying attention to me, are you? Why do you bring my
name up so much in these posts if you are discussing something differnt than
I am?
I have made it clear that I am not discussing thermodynamics *alone* - I am
talking about applying thermodynamics to life. Two fields involved here,
count them, one...two. You even concede this by qualifying your statement
with, "as far as the SLOT is concerned", but then head right back to plain
old thermodynamics (apparently implying that I am wrong in the process),
right where you like to start, hover, and end your discussions that
*supposedly* deal with what I am discussing.
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