Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Date: Sat Nov 11 2000 - 19:02:38 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics"

    In a message dated 11/11/00 17:56:46 GMT Standard Time,

    Paul Robson:
     Who are the "those" in your sentence .....
     "those who rely SOLELY on vague appeals to open-system thermodynamics to
     explain the ordering and organizing of simple organics into a functioning
     cell" (my emphasis)
     if you can't actually produce anyone who says this isn't your argument an
     irrelevant distraction ?

     Sorry, I mark a whole lot of stuff when I read material, but not
     everything. I have not considered prior to now marking such
     comments: and I don't intend to go back and reread everything
     I already have read to find such instances. I think, though,
     that if you - or anyone else - follow these kinds of discussions
     on the net long enough, that you will run across such a vague
     claim frequently: I have.

    Paul Robson:
     This is a fantasy.

     You claim that there are "frequent" claims of :-

      "those who rely SOLELY on vague appeals to open-system thermodynamics to
     explain the ordering and organizing of simple organics into a functioning
     cell" (my emphasis)

     I have not come across a single person who solely relies on OST to explain
     the ordering and organizing of organics.

     I have not even come across a single person who relies on it at all, EXCEPT
     as a rebuttal of the claim that Evolution violates SLOT.

     I have read of many creationists, though who make the argument along the
     lines of "Well, if being an open system isn't a problem for evolution,
     why don't cars evolve from junk in a junkyard open to energy" ; something
     sounding remarkably in the ball park "vague appeals to OST"

     If you cannot produce one person who "solely relies" on OST to do this I
     will treat your claims of "frequency" as an absurdity.

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