Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Date: Sat Nov 11 2000 - 08:07:11 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics"

    Regarding DNAunion's comments about his "Teeter-totter Analogy":

    It seems that you use the terms "overcome", "downhill", & "uphill" in a
    way that has led to some unnecessary confusion. Apparently, you want to
    use the terms to refer to particular *parts* of composite processes and
    *parts* of composite interacting systems where you imagine excising the
    said parts from of the interacting system at hand and imagine such parts
    as a separate independent system which is no longer in interaction with
    the rest of the interacting process. And then you imagine the behavior
    of said parts to continue to be the same as it was when the part
    with its partial contribution to the composite process was acting in full
    interaction with the rest of the previous integrated system. If this
    continued behavior when the part and partial process is isolated becomes
    non-spontaneous and thermodynamically unfavorable under the new
    disconnected conditions, you dub it as "uphill" and say that the full
    process of the integrated system is "overcoming" the 2nd law as this
    subsystem's partial process is driven "uphill". Unfortunately, the
    spontaneous behavior of such an excised and isolated piece of the
    interacting system has little, if anything, to do with its behavior as
    part of the integrated system. *Of course* changing the system will
    change the observed behavior. But I would not want to call the operation
    of the integrated interacting system as "overcoming" the 2nd law, nor
    especially, would I want to label the operation of the full process as
    "uphill". The behavior of the isolated subsystem doesn't tell us
    anything about the behavior of the integrated interacting system, and is
    irrelevant to it. Each system with its own particular internal
    connections to its parts and to its surroundings and their conditions has
    its *own* kind of spontaneous "downhill" behavior.

    The way I was using the terms was in reference to the *actual interacting
    system* at hand since it is the behavior of *that* system that is
    relevant, by definition or by tautology (i.e. the behavior of the
    interacting system is what is relevant to the interacting system). When
    we focus on the fully integrated system at hand we see that any process
    that happens in nature is thermodynamically favorable and is "downhill",
    and its operation is just another example of the 2nd law working
    normally. It *doesn't matter* if the interacting system is a complicated
    biological system or a cup of tea cooling off in a cooler room (as far as
    any potential appeal to the 2nd law is concerned).

    If you take the hot tea out of the cooler room and isolate it in a sealed
    super-insulated dewar it behaves differently than when it is in strong
    thermal contact with the air of the cold room. When it is in contact
    with the cold air of the room the tea's entropy and temperature quickly
    falls as it cools down to the ambient temperature, and some of this
    cooling is via evaporation of water from the tea/air interface at the
    tea's top surface. This changes the concentration of the tea as well as
    further decreasing the entropy of the remaining tea. When the tea is
    isolated in the dewar from the room's cold air, its entropy, mass,
    temperature, internal energy, concentration, etc. remain fixed. I would
    say that the cooling tea in the cooler room is an example of a
    thermodynamically "downhill" process even though the tea's entropy
    decreases. I would not say that the tea's "tendency to disorder" is
    "overcome" by the process. The tea doesn't even *have* any specifically
    defined tendency at all until the rest of the system with which it
    interacts is properly specified. Its tendency is not the same in a
    dewar as in a cold room, and neither of these is its tendency when it is
    in a room that is much hotter than the tea, with air that is
    supersaturated with humidity. In the latter case the tea's entropy and
    temperature and water concentration *increases*.

    Similarly, with biological systems. If you take parts of them out of
    the system, they behave differently in a different environment than when
    they are left in the integrated system. The way they behave in the
    integrated system is "downhill" as the 2nd law constrains the system's
    overall behavior. The *different* way they behave when isolated from
    the other biological structures is also "downhill" since the different
    environmental conditions redefine just what it means to *be* "downhill"
    in the different context. In neither case is the 2nd law "overcome".

    Back to the teeter-totter analogy. What it *means* to be "downhill" in
    a problem that is driven by gravitational forces, is to move in such a
    manner as to decrease the total gravitational potential energy of the
    system *no matter* how many teeter-totters have frozen confections on
    them that are interactively automatically dumped from one basket to
    another. Whatever the system does *is* "downhill". Certainly, if
    various subparts of the system are isolated from the interacting system
    then their behavior under the influence of the Earth's gravity is
    expected to change according to the circumstances they find themselves
    in. But however they end up behaving, in any of those various
    circumstances, it is in a way that reduces the total gravitational
    potential energy of the subsystem at hand and is thus "downhill"
    behavior. In one case a particular end of a teeter-board may go up, and
    under some changed circumstances it may go down. But whatever it does,
    the system of which it is a part will decrease its total gravitational
    potential energy, and the system's operation will be "downhill" in its
    gravitational potential energy.

    Back to thermodynamics. *Whichever* way a thermodynamic system
    spontaneously behaves, it is found to be thermodynamically "downhill"
    in that its behavior increases the net total entropy of all the
    relevant interacting parts of the system (where the surroundings are
    to also count as part of the system if they are in interaction with
    the rest of the system in any significant way). Just because a
    composite process involves parts of the system decreasing in entropy and
    other parts coupled to them increasing in entropy is no indication of the
    second law being overcome, since any given part per se doesn't even
    *have* a prior "tendency" apart from a particular specification of how it
    is to be in interaction with other parts of the system & surroundings.

    It is certainly true that biological processes *are* multiple orders of
    magnitude more complicated that a process as cooling tea, but as far
    as the relevance of the 2nd law is concerned, *it doesn't matter*. In
    either case, when a process happens, *that's* it tendency, in that
    particular circumstance. When it doesn't happen in some other
    circumstance, then *that's* it tendency in the modified circumstance.

    David Bowman

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