Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Date: Fri Nov 10 2000 - 22:27:52 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics"

    >>> DNAunion: There is none. Richard was being "humorous". The implication
    is that "our" version of thermodynamics is that "order never comes from
    disorder" (as Paul posted), or that "evolution violates thermodynamics".
    However, anyone who has followed the discussions here will see that NEITHER
    SEJones nor I propose either of these.
    >>>Nelson: I have found that most of these debates are really people
    talking past each other.
    >>>Paul Robson: I agree, Nelson. But DNA and Steve seem to think that what
    they write is what "Creationists say" about 2LT. Most of them don't, they
    just use the simple version they have copied from a Morrisian tome.

    DNAunion: I disagree. It is my opponents that lable my arguments as being
    Creationist: I vehemently deny it, but usually to no avail.

    I have been presenting the same position concerning thermodynamics as it
    applies to the origin of life for at least a year (I have learned some about
    thermo since I started, and my original posts were surely less informed).
    This position of mine is NOT based on any Creationist material I have read:
    it based on my skeptical mind finding wholes that are just assumed to be
    filled in, and in fact, are said to be filled in. But because I am skeptical
    about nature's ability, alone, to generate a functioning cell from a random
    pool of simple organics, here on Earth, in the amount of time available,
    under the conditions presumed to have been present, then ANYTHING I say is
    labeled as Creationist. Even when I explain that aliens designing life and
    seeding it on Earth is a live possibility, I am still labeled a Creationist.
    Go figure.

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