Re: Ultimate premises/Arguing for aguments sake!

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 22:45:38 EST

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    >Silk here: It's a pity that many on this list are (1) either
    >pompous individuals in desperate need of attention or (2) just plain
    >childish! It's even a greater pity that this subject creation vs evolution
    >is so complex that we should spend our time attempting to arrive at answers
    >instead of playing mind games; "I'm smarter than you" type thing! You all
    >know exactly what I'm talking about! As to Assumptions: In the abscene of
    >any real proof if one is to make any headway they must resort to
    >"assumptions" or more specifically "Deductions"!
    >"If this does that often enough than this must be so"!
    >Like coming to grips with what electrons, neutrons & protons do let alone
    >"assuming" they even exist or like rubbing two sticks together & "assuming"
    >why a spark results & that into fire! You guys would make lousy teachers as
    >your main aim would be to impress the students as to how smart you were & to
    >[on purpose]
    >totally confuse them & then act dumbfounded as to how they couldn't
    >understand such a simple principle (one you knew inside out) Oh yes I know
    >your pathetic types! Sad, sad in the extreme! chao/Silk

    I disagree with Stephen's views on the ultimate premises issue. But, while
    he is wrong, I see nothing *confusing* about his views or his expression of
    them, and I certainly don't think mine are particularly confusing. If you
    want to see something confusing, take a look at your own posts.

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