Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Date: Thu Nov 09 2000 - 01:11:46 EST

  • Next message: Ivar Ylvisaker: "Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI"

    I refuse to be drawn into this discussion as I do not have the time to
    devote to it, and because it would quite likely be a waste of that
    unavailable time. However, regarding the side comment that Richard Wein

    >There has been a discussion recently in about whether the
    >entropy of the sun is increasing or decreasing. It has been claimed that
    >it's decreasing, because nuclear fusion results in a decrease in the number
    >of particles. I don't pretend to know whether this is correct, but no doubt
    >Stephen, with his thorough knowledge of the Second Law, will be able to
    >enlighten us. (Not!)

    Even though I am not Stephen, I thought I would chime in here with a
    quick comment about this question. It is clear to anyone who does know
    what entropy is, and who knows what kinds of processes that happen to
    occur in the Sun that the entropy of the Sun *is decreasing* with time as
    Richard reports. What *is* increasing in entropy is a) the
    electromagnetic field which is carrying (and whose elementary excitations
    include) the outbound photons of solar radiation streaming away from the
    Sun, and b) the neutrino field whose excitations include the outbound
    neutrinos which result as a byproduct of the production of the nuclear
    neutrons (in the He-4 product) from the reactant protons.

    David Bowman

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