Re: Great web site

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Tue Nov 07 2000 - 08:34:40 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Great web site"

    At 11:41 PM 11/06/2000 -0500, you wrote:
    > >>>It smacks of cold-fusion ('they're out to get me!')
    > >>> Susan: actually, I think the cold fusion guys bowed gracefully to the
    >fact that
    > their experiments were not repeatable and withdrew their claim.
    >DNAunion: Actually, "cold fusion" is a scientific fact. The fusing of
    >atomic nuclei does not require conditions similar to those found in stars:
    >one does not have to drive a magnetically-contained plasma to immensely high
    >temperatures, or employ any other extreme-temperature processes. By "simply"
    >colliding many atomic nuclei together, scientists have been able to fuse some
    >of them, creating heavy elements that are not found in nature. This process
    >has been referred to as "cold fusion". Just thought I would mention the kind
    >of "cold fusion" you did not and clear up any potential misinformation.
    >Perhaps David Bowman could confirm, or reject, what I said about this.

    I think it was pretty clear that I was talking about the "cold fusion in a
    jar" thing. But thanks, anyway.

    > >>>Susan: but, of course, they were not trying to prove that physics does
    > not
    >DNAunion: So Susan, who actually *IS* trying to prove that physics does not
    >exist? Really Susan, think you could tone down the sarcasm and "humorous"
    >insults and stick to facts?

    My writing style is my own and something you will have to learn to live
    with or learn to ignore.

    What I was saying is that the cold fusion guys dropped their claim when it
    was discredited. All they were doing was science and when that science was
    proved wrong there was no reason to pursue it. Behe's claim--and that of
    most "scientific" creationists"--has been discredited and he has *not*
    dropped it. He's not doing science, he's doing something else. He's trying
    to prove that evolution doesn't exist. When the scientific community proved
    him wrong and then ceased to listen to him he immediately went into the
    time-honored song about how he was being suppressed or ignored by the
    "dominant paradigm." It sort of worked for the crackpot Velikovski and
    nearly half a century later neither Behe nor Dembski are above using that
    ploy. Neither Behe nor Dembski will *ever* accept that their pet hypotheses
    are not credible or any of the science that proves them wrong, because
    science is not their ultimate project. "Defeating" evolution is their project.

    Neither of the cold fusion guys would be caught dead writing a book called
    "Defeating Physics by Opening Minds."



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