Silk here:
Chris Cogan wrote:. Stephen's dogma is inconsistent with the major claim of Christianity that God is good. A being who could condemn people to eternal torment just for
not believing in him, especially when he gives no clear evidence of his existence, would be utterly evil. Even if I believed in a god, I would not believe a dogma that contained such a massive self-contradiction.
Silk again: And the gullible nit wit says "just look! I was sick & god made me well, healed me!" I say "sure but "it" made or allowed you to get sick in the first place, so what? Besides what does the creator get out of all this suffering?" And the gullible says "god has his reasons". Fine I say "what are they?" The gullible retorts "that is not for us to know". I challenge & ask "why not? And by the way how do you know that it's not for us to know, who told you this?" He responds "I just know!" You see Mr. & Mrs alien this is what logic & reason are up against here on this planet much to the delight of the "haves"! Humans prefer yes & no answers as explanations confuse them. They easily swallow the elephant & choke on the gnat.
This "god" is a hypocrite! Allowing or rather causing catstrophes such as earth quakes, floods & drought. "It" idly stands by while diseases such as cancer, malaria & AIDS take their toll,"it" is totally indifferent to the one billion humans on this planet literally starving to death! Have you any idea how many helpless innocent children die every second from one ailment or another? Only a sadist would allow such goings on. If you are objective & honest with yourself you should be wondering where in the hell is there evidence of this gods love & compassion! That misery & torment abound no honest soul can deny! And "its" got the audacity to expect you to live by he ten commandments! Are you so demented & overcome by some awesome fear that you have bought into & been brought to the brink of accepting that it, the creator, is so ignorant & juvenily vain that "it" created mankind so as to have its own "fan club",you being one of the "god groupies", so faithful & obsequious, who if obedient will get to heaven? Yes, Mr.& Mrs alien this is man as his "given" mentality reacts with its own blind psuedo observations & unsubstantiated conclusions to form absurdity. Santa Claus; A comforting "concept", A silly fable children soon discover the falseness of though enjoy the myth for the "presents" it presents. "God", a similiar fable adults, unlike children, refuse to see the falseness of & let go of for the "presents" "it" promises to present. "You better not pout you better not cry, you better be good I'm telling you why......." Lets be fair & let them have their day in court!
Religion (god) is not something that can be proven in the conventional scientific sense (what ever thats worth) a true follower believes without "proof" its called "faith" & after all science is about as far away as it's ever been from "proving" where everything that is came from & does what it does? Put that in your pipe & smoke it "peer review" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chao/silk
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