Re: Glen Morton Waco Conference reports

Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 22:32:35 EDT

In a message dated 9/30/00 10:05:13 AM Dateline Standard Time, writes:

<< yes indeed. Glenn Morton used to be in this group--a Christian theist
 arguing the evolutionist viewpoint--and I miss him. >>

Why did Glenn leave? He explained:

"I have been thinking about this since I came back on this list in July
after a 6 months absence. Since I really want to discuss things with my
fellow Christians and since there are so few of them here anymore,
especially those of really high level scientific backgrounds, I am going to
be leaving here and I don't think I will come back unless I see things
change again. As I said once before this list used to be a wonderful place
for Christians to discuss the issues we need to deal with. It is slowly
becoming another Talk Origins and that is not much use to me."

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