Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Sat Sep 30 2000 - 00:03:02 EDT

  • Next message: Ivar Ylvisaker: "Re: Examples of natural selection generating CSI"

    At 09:47 AM 09/29/2000 -0700, you wrote:
    > >>>>
    >"The question all this poses is whether Dembski's analytical
    >processes bearing upon CSI can, in the absence of further
    >information from inside the "Algorithm Room", decide whether
    >the solution received was actually the work of the intelligent
    >agent (and thus "actual CSI") or the product of an algorithm
    >falsely claimed to be the work of the intelligent agent (and
    >thus "apparent CSI")?

    >An interesting (at least to me) parallel is the phenomenom of "speaking
    >in tongues." A person stands up in church and makes noises with his
    >mouth. Another person stands and claims the message (translation) is thus
    >and so. Yet when the origional sounds are subjected to computer analysis
    >no evidence of any kind of pattern or information or intelligence is

    And I know a person who is now Unitarian minister who was once a
    Pentecostal and who can "speak in tongues" at the drop of a hat. It
    wouldn't take much stage dressing to make it really realistic.


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