human selection

Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 13:09:29 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "Re: human selection"

    Dear Chris

    >Selection occurs, all the time, for almost every species,
    > even humans. For example, my own genes will almost
    > certainly be selected out, because I do
    >not plan ever to have children.

    In the bad old days social line were tightly draw. There was no marrying
    primarially across religious, political, racial and even tribal
    boundries. Being that health and smarts wasn't origionally doled out on
    the basis of race or religion each major human division had a large gene
    pool to start with it was only very small subdivisions like the royal
    families that had a genetic problem because of social self-sorting. Yet
    marriage within each religion or race wasn't random, it was sorted with
    respect to what? Financial standing? That wasn't to bad, both rich
    families and poor families had an assortment of healthy and sickly,
    smart and stupid people.

    These days there doesn't seem to be any color or religious bar or any
    other bar to marriage and no one takes their parent's advise. (We didn't
    <G>) Yet marriage isn't random. On what basis are people sorting
    themselves? Just by looking at the newspapers and common sense, I'd say
    that people are sorting themselves by intelligence and apperance. The
    ugly, stupid, lazy guy usually doesn't get the beautiful, intelligent,
    and ambitious girl. Why would a person who wishes to spend spare time
    enjoying the fine arts marry a person who prefers watching mud wrestling
    on TV?

    But statistically educated people have less children than uneducated
    people and economically successful countries have a lower birth rate than
    poor countries. So in the next few hundred years natural selection should
    produce a "Brave New World" effect. On the other hand, in genetic terms
    stupid and ugly is superior to smart and beautiful.
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