Re: Problems with selectionism, remarks on order, etc., etc. #2

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Fri Sep 22 2000 - 15:27:16 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield Cogan: "Re: its quite easy to accomodate faith and science (was ID vs. ?)"

    At 06:40 AM 09/22/2000, you wrote:
    >On Sun, 10 Sep 2000 15:18:27 -0500, Chris Cogan wrote:
    >CC>Imagine that each
    > >organism's genome has but two genes, and that these genes can be
    > >gradated so that they can be indicated on an X_Y grid by two
    > >numbers.
    >I presume this "X_Y grid" is supposed to represent the environment?

    No. It represents the range of alleles for two genes. It doesn't matter
    what they might code for, or what the environment is.

    The general "motivating" idea here is that we can "place" each unique
    "genome" in a unique location on the grid. But, different locations on the
    grid can also be areas where the combinations of alleles that should go
    there are not allowed/able to exist, and the reasons for such exclusion of
    such of such combinations can be anything at all that can prevent it from
    continuing to exist. It could be that the internal physiological functions
    of the organism are not up to the task of keeping the organism alive, it
    could be that the organism's reproductive facilities don't work, it could
    be predators, disease, hunters, any "selective" factor at all. It could
    even be that the genome, once created, cannot even support life in the very
    first cell in which it occurs, because some variation screwed up its
    control functions or the resulting cell's internal workings.

    What the grid allows us to do is show the relationship between alleles and
    genetic survival without needing to know, at this stage, what selective
    factors are present. The genome doesn't "know," in positive terms, what the
    environment is like. It "knows" only what has been safe for its ancestors
    to "assume."

    The grid metaphor also allows us to see easily and clearly that it's
    variation that provides the raw material for selection, and that, without
    selection (of *any* type), if variation is random, variations will run
    rampant over the whole genetic "space," producing, in time, every possible
    variation within a finite distance from the starting point. That is, all
    possible alleles of all genes will be represented by a dot on the grid.

    It does give us a means of studying selection, however, because we can
    change the areas on the grid where allele-combinations are not able to
    reproduce. For example, if we make a solid and thick circular ring around
    the starting point, the ring will fill with dots, and some dots will go
    into but not survive in the ring, but none will come to exist outside of
    the ring. Evolution will be thwarted. But, if there is a pathway of
    viability through areas of inviability, small variations will gradually
    result in dots filling in all locally-available points on the grid.

    In multidimensional terms involving one "dimension" for each possible
    variation of a genome, if such pathways exist, dots will come to be present
    in all areas reachable by such small steps from the starting point
    (assuming the selective factors don't change, which they do, of course). If
    we add changeability of selective factors, the same principle still
    applies, but now we have to ensure that there is a path through time in the
    sense that, between the starting point and any point of interest at some
    ending point, there is a continuously existing area of viability that has
    always had a population of dots in it, like a group of people continuously
    moving so as to stay in a spotlight beam; eventually they will cross every
    area the beam does, and will end up wherever it is aimed.

    This metaphor will become important later when we discuss the "things
    intelligent causes can do that unintelligent causes cannot," because there
    are potential differences, depending on selection factors. For just one
    example, in the case of the wide ring around the starting point, an
    intelligent cause could simply *place* a population of dots outside the
    ring (i.e., could make new alleles with values that put the resulting
    genome outside the ring). Intelligent causes could also put genomes in
    areas of viability that are *inside* of areas of inviability. In the real
    world, we are finding that there are many such areas (a tiny few of which
    we are beginning to populate by technological genetic recombination).

    The question of ID might thus be formulated as: Are there now or have there
    ever been genomes that could not come into existence as the result of a
    series of small(ish) variational steps from nearly four billion years ago?
    If there are, then a good step has been made in the direction of supporting
    at least naturalistic ID (i.e., naturalistically occurring aliens, etc.).
    If there are not, then pure naturalistic evolution still stands as the best
    theory so far.

    Note that CSI, irreducible complexity, and functional complexity are not
    enough to exclude stepwise evolution, because stepwise variations will
    eventually reach all areas of viability that are not completely closed off
    from access by surrounding areas of inviability at suitable times. What has
    to be found are locations in genetic space that do not and have never been,
    at the right times, and for long enough, in open contact with outside areas
    of viability. I will give a very obvious example to make the idea clear.
    Modern computers did not evolve in what we typically call "Nature." In
    fact, we don't even know of a genetic code that *can* directly produce
    something like my PC (i.e., by "directly," I mean without producing
    something like humans first). Thus, if we come to an Earthlike planet and
    find the equivalent of IBM PC's lying around, we can be pretty sure that
    they didn't evolve naturally and without something intelligent first
    evolving to produce them.

    Another example might be the appearance of man at the first point in
    prehistory where humans could survive if they had existed (such as,
    perhaps, sixty million years ago). If it could be *proved* that man existed
    at that time (and that no other possible naturally evolved precursor
    hominids existed first), I'd say that it was good support for some kind of
    design. I pick that time because it seems to me that human genomes might
    have been viable but not yet accessible by small genetic variational steps
    from then-existing genomes. In this case, the problem would not be barriers
    in genetic space, but distance from existing genomes in that space
    (variations don't spread instantly from the starting point to all available
    genetic space; the flow is more like the flow of molasses, so if available
    genomes are too far away from a region of viability, there won't be any
    genomes in that area for some time).

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