no chance

From: Susan Brassfield Cogan (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 15:21:55 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen E. Jones: "Re: Problems with selectionism, remarks on order, etc., etc. #1"

    One of the urls I posted recently, has also on the same site, an
    anthropology of religion. I found it to be quite fascinating and recommend
    it to all.

    This tidbit sounded hauntingly familiar.

    "In a belief system that uses magic as the most logical
    explanation for illness, accidents, and other unexpected
    occurrences, there is no room for natural causes, accident, or
    chance. Witchcraft provides the explanation--it can be the
    cause for most effects. "



     I am aware that the conclusions arrived at in this work will be denounced
    by some as highly irreligious; but he who denounces them is bound to shew
    why it is more irreligious to explain the origin of man as a distinct
    species by descent from some lower form, through the laws of variation and
    natural selection, than to explain the birth of the individual through the
    laws of ordinary reproduction.

    ---Charles Darwin

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