Re: ID vs. ?

Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 23:20:44 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Flagellum Re: Definitions of ID"

    In a message dated 9/12/2000 10:30:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

    << Nelson:
    Not only is it not "anti-Christian" but it's not even "anti-ID". The
    mammalian ear is at the phenotypical level, thus at this level alone it is
    irrelevant to the irreducible complexity of molecular machines. Also, the
    mammalian inner ear is not irreducibly complex. Thus showing a pathway to
    this system is doubly irrelevant.

    Remarkable, could you please explain why the inner ear is not irreducible
    complex? Also why is the phenotypical level not relevant? Is IC somehow
    limited to systems for which supporting evidence is likely not to exist? I
    guess this means that the mouse trap example by Behe was irrelevant as well?
    you can't have it both ways. You cannot use evidence of design in non
    molecular systems as evidence of design in molecular systems. Or you have to
    admit that both an intelligent designer as well as natural forces can lead to
    IC systems. But then why could this not happen at the molecular level?

    But you might want to start with explaining why the inner ear is not IC.
    Let's take away the middle bone. Does the system still work?

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