Re: important question

From: Ralph Krumdieck (ralphkru@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU)
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 11:23:14 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: important question"

    > >>BTW I would have thought if Cliff was a Christian he would agree that
    > >>"The most important question is whether God is real or imaginary"?
    > >
    > >It is an important question but the nature of that question is equivalent
    > >to "is billwald real or imagionary?" Obviously a question of lesser
    > >importance but still the same genre of question. Neither being suitable
    > >questions for scientific investigation.
    > >
    > >
    >If I kick you in the shins and you cuss at me, isn't that one data point in
    >support of the hypothesis that you exist? Wouldn't that be a repeatable
    >experiment? (Ok, everybody, line up. Bill, stick your shin out.)

    Shades of Bishop Berkeley! How sure can we be we're kicking the real
    billwald? Perhaps he has a wooden leg. You kick the right shin and I'll
    kick the left.

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