Definitions of ID

Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 11:59:19 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Latest on the 2LOT"

    Everyone has their own definitions if ID, evolution, Darwinism, etc. I have
    nothing against natural processes. Whether or not ID is "scientific" is
    unimportant to me.
     I believe life is the result of a design, and have no objection to "nature"
    (whatever that is) being the designer. I doubt "random mutation and naurual
    selection" was the mechanism. My concept of design does not necessarily
    require "intervention", but cannot rule it out. Often my disagreement with
    some of you is small, mostly concerning philosophy. One of my reasons for
    arguing in favor of ID is distaste for its opponents. Until these
    discussions about evolution, I assumed atheists were merely people with a
    different view of religion. However most atheists on the Internet appear
    arrogant, intolerant, shrill and dominated by a paranoid fear of religion. I
    have found nothing like that among supporters of ID. The ID discussion board
    is often too scientific and technical for me. It is the opponents of ID who
    insist upon arguing about the existence or non existence of God.


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