Re: evidence against Darwinism-there isn't any!

Date: Mon Sep 04 2000 - 16:16:59 EDT

  • Next message: Cliff Hamrick: "RE: Definitions of ID?"

    CH: I guess I missed your question earlier, so let me try it now. I would
    say that the most telling argument against naturalistic evolution is the
    second law of thermodynamics. It is the overall tendency of the universe to
    break down into smaller, simpler parts. But, it is the overall tendency of
    living organisms to evolve into larger, more complex forms. I have always
    considered this another bolster to my faith in a God that allows living
    organisms to break the rules.

    That would indeed be a great argument were it not for the fact that the 2LOT
    does not form any obstacle to evolution or at least that noone has shown this
    to be the case. Yes, the 2LOT says that overall the tendency is towards
    'chaos' but it also allows local decreases in entropy. Far equilibrium
    systems are infamous for this.

    CH: I am also aware that there are arguments as to why the second law of
    thermodynamics can be circumvented by living organisms, but that wasn't the
    The law is not circumvented. Are you seriously?

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