Re: ID vs ?

Date: Fri Sep 01 2000 - 01:03:08 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: ID vs ?"

    Bertvan: I don't agree with everything everyone has said on the subject of
    Gaia. I do
    believe the earth evolved, much in the same way individual organisms evolved
    (However that was, it obviously wasn't by random variation and natural

    Obviously? Of course it's obvious that the earth did no evolve through random
    variation and natural selection. That's a poor strawman. That however life
    can and likely has evolved through this and other mechanisms is well

    Bertvan: Perhaps the Gaia concept is not accepted by some IDs, I haven't
    heard it discussed much. However I do know most IDs are more tolerant, and
    willing to explore such concepts than materialists seem to be.

    I notice you are making more unsupported assertions. That makes for bad
    science and bad logic. IMHO

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