Re: ad hominems & the future of this Reflector

From: Steve Clark (
Date: Tue Apr 25 2000 - 14:33:33 EDT

  • Next message: Tedd Hadley: "Re: the role of sex in evolution"

    I too have chosen to ignore Stephen Jones' contributions to the
    reflector. I presume that most of you have a handy function on your web
    browser that allows you to filter posts from unwanted individuals. It
    works quite well. Over the years that I have participated here, I have
    learned who has substantive things to say and who does not (note, this
    judgement is not based on whether or not I agree with the persons'

    I heartily recommend using your filter. That way each of you has a say as
    to what you read and ignore and this decision is not left to Terry.



    At 12:59 PM 04/25/2000 -0400, Howard J. Van Till wrote:
    > > I'm also kind of shocked at how few people commented on the issue at the
    > > time. Except for Bertvan, of course, who basically said I should ignore it
    > > all.
    >HVT: Having observed Stephen's posts for some years, I have made the
    >decision to ignore them altogether. The rhetoric of these posts brings
    >contentiousness and obduracy to new world record heights. I see no positive
    >outcome in any of that sort of bickering.
    > > Richard Wein:
    > >>While the reflector would no doubt lose much of its entertainment value if
    > >>all anti-evolutionists withdrew, it would lose little in the way of
    > rational
    > >>discourse.
    >HVT: In the particular case at hand, I agree. To generalize to *all* who
    >speak from an anti-evolution position is probably unfair to several persons.
    >Howard Van Till

    Steven S. Clark, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor of Human Oncology and
    Member, UW Comprehensive Cancer Center
    University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
    600 Highland Ave, K4/432
    Madison, WI 53792

    Office: (608) 263-9137
    FAX: (608) 263-4226

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