Re: Novel paradigms?

Date: Thu Apr 20 2000 - 15:15:01 EDT

  • Next message: "In one of those multiple universes..."


    >Let's run the numbers‰¥Ï‰¥Ï
    >I didn't realize they were spending
    >millions on travel. Perhaps you can document this.


    >This is all irrelevant, since (as far as I know) the Polanyi Center has not
    >even proposed a laboratory research programme.

    The analysis was not irrelevant. It was claimed that the
    travel budget could be better used to support research.
    Since it is not, it was then suggested that this was because
    ID theorists know such research would fail/be a waste of

    >And, in any case, who do you think should provide these funds? And do you
    >think that similar funds should be provided for every group that wants to
    >conduct research?

    I don't know. I am not making a prescriptive point; I am
    merely being descriptive. On the one hand, I surely don't
    want to give ID special treatment and hand it research funds
    just because it is ID. On the other hand, ID is simply not
    going to be able to access the primary source of scientific
    funding simply because it is ID (and thus violates the
    game rules of science). Do you really believe the reactions
    of Baylor's faculty is particular to Baylor? Are they the only
    ones who equate it with creationism so as to not give it the
    time of day? Are they the only ones worrried about reputation
    and the political dimension of this issue?

    When research funding becomes tightly tied to the assumptions
    used to generate the research, how does one access that funding
    if they don't share those assumptions? I don't have any answers.
    And I'm not saying how something ought to be. I'm just pointing
    out the problem.

    >I'm sure that astrologers, Atlantis proponents,
    >flat-earthers, etc, would all be quick to come up with research programmes
    >if that sort of money was offered! It would be grossly unfair to stifle
    >*their* research, wouldn't it?

    Why must we posture? Yes, I realize that the critics of ID think
    anyone who proposes ID is either intellectually, psychologically,
    or morally troubled. Thus, it is easy for them to equate Dembski with
    an Atlantis proponent. But I thought you agreed there were grounds
    for suspecting ID. What naturally follows a suspicion is an investigation,
    unless one is unwilling. If an astrologer could convince me that there is
    good reason to suspect our behavior is determined by the stars/planets, and
    could come up with ways to either strengthen or weaken that suspicion,
    I would have no trouble providing research funding for that person.

    We humans tend to have great trouble giving a serious and open-minded
    hearing to ideas that are both contrary and quite foreign to the way we
    believe. But keep in mind that there are several scientific assumptions/
    claims that may seem so different from astrology only because we have
    become conditioned to see them differently. For example, consider the
    following claims:

    -Life arose from non-life by purely non-teleological mechanisms

    -Life once existed in a form far more simpler and less sophisticated
    than the bacterial state.

    -At one time, life did not require DNA or proteins

    -Random mutations and natural selection were the primary mechanisms
    for the evolutionary origin of every biological feature seen on this planet.

    -X (X being any biological feature that arose a very long time ago) was formed
    by random mutations and natural selection.

    While all of these claims are widely held in the scientific community, all
    of them also have very little/no evidential basis. That is, contrary to
    claim about the conservative nature of science, there are many claims embraced
    not reluctantly, but as a function of the game rules of science. Yet we come
    to think that the belief in a non-teleological origin of life/biological
    is inherently more supported than something like astrology not because
    we can point to gobs of evidence in one case (and not the other), but because
    the same zeitgeist that is trying to censor the Polanyi Center from academia
    the one that taught us how to view the world.


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