Re: When peer review is really peer pressure

From: Susan Brassfield (
Date: Thu Apr 20 2000 - 10:49:28 EDT

  • Next message: Steve Clark: "Re: Novel paradigms?"

    > wrote:

    >>And, of course, the original abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution

    Cliff Lundberg
    >Progressive creationists and ID advocates would agree. Evolutionists
    >would not.

    Abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution is about the
    history of life on earth. Abiogenesis is about how that life got started. I
    must have typed those sentences hundreds of times over the years I've
    debated creationists. I've also read them hundreds of times when they were
    typed by other evolutionists in the debate.

    I agree whith Huxter and most evolutionists would also.



    For if there is a sin against life, it consists not so much in despairing
    of life as in hoping for another and in eluding the implacable grandeur of
    this one.
    --Albert Camus

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