Re: Is Christian morality so distant from evolutionary ethics?

Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 01:41:02 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Is Christian morality so distant from evolutionary ethics?"

    In a message dated 3/7/00 12:02:31 PM Dateline Standard Time, writes:

    >Barna compares the behaviors and attitudes of Christians with Non-Christians
    (see >tables below) and concludes: "We think and behave no differently from
    anyone >else."

    I don't think this a good experimental design. Many people who become
    Christians come with terrible histories - it's the parable of the sick
    needing the doctor.
    C.S. Lewis once noted that a man terribly afraid of cats who works up the
    ability to pet a cat is a courageous man. But when compared to others, his
    courage would not be seen. Thus, it would seem a better comparison would be
    pre- and post-
    conversion to Christianity. I can speak from personal experience that there
    been a tremendous difference.


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