The Kansas Science Education StandardsHi Susan, This is McCarthyism at it's wor

Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 12:20:14 EST

  • Next message: Susan Brassfield: "Re: The Kansas Science Education Standards"

    Hi Susan,

    This is McCarthyism at it's worst. The question should be whether the Kansas
    Standards are valid, not who supports them or who opposes them. Are you
    suggesting children should be blindly indoctrinated with the "truth" of Neo
    Darwinism, gradualism, "random mutation and natural selection as a known
    mechanism for macro evolution", merely because religious people are in
    disagreement? Surely most people will see through such tactics by neo
    Darwinists in their effort to convince everyone only "religious bigots" are
    skeptical of neo Darwinism. Not true!! Once the public is familiar with
    the arguments of both sides, I suspect they will make up their own minds
    about who the bigots are. I respect anyone's right to believe in neo
    Darwinism, for whatever reason, but am disgusted with their tactics to
    discredit anyone who dares to disagree with them.


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