Stephen, you are quite likely the most tiresome person on this board. Here
are more where those come from. I didn't cite more because it was tiresome
and Useless to do so. If two examples won't satisfy you, neither will 100.
I have done this before and you didn't pay any attention then and I doubt
you will now. You have an ability to believe what you want regardless of
what anyone says to you.
For those who might not remember, the purpose of this is to show that
Stephen's claim that longisquama's proto-feather was separated from the
first feather by so many years that it couldn't be connected with the
feather is wrong Since like gives rise to like, one can examine the record
of turtles or other animals to see the size of the gap between the first
and second occurrence of two things that ARE related! Then one can see if
the 80 million year gap between the protofeather and the first feather are
so unsual.
400 million year gap in first and second land life which were hollow
"1.2 billion Hollow filaments Arizona
800 million Hollow filaments California
~ Robert J. Horodyski and L. Paul Knauth, "Life on Land in the
Precambrian," Science, Jan. 28, 1994, p. 494-498. see also "When Life
First Sprouted on Land," Science News, March 12, 1994, p. 173
30 million between the first and second example of tarsiers
R. D. Martin, "Bonanza at Shanghuang," Nature, 368, April 14, 1994, p. 586.
60 million between first and second AFrican turtle
Eugene S. Gaffney and James W. Kitching, "The Most Ancient African Turtle,"
Nature, 369, May 5, 1994, p. 55.
90 million years between the first and second fossilized turd (which is
what one feels he is walking in when discussing things with Stephen).
Dianne Edwards, et al, "Coprolites as evidence for Plant-Animal Interaction
in Siluro-Devonian Terrestrial Ecosystems," Nature, Sept. 28, 1995, p. 329
60 million between the first and second fossilized gilled-mushroom
D. S. Hibbett, D. Grimaldi, and M. J. Donoghue, "Cretaceous Mushrooms in
Amber," Nature, 377, Oct. 12, 1995, p. 487
1.1 billion year gap between the first and second eclogite
Andreas Moller, et al, "Evidence for a 2 GA subduction zone: Eclogites in
the Usagaran belt of Tanzania," Geology, Dec. 1995, p. 1067
25 million year gap between the first and second shark
Ivan J. Sansom, M.M. Smith and M. P. Smith, "Scales of Thelodont and
shark-like fishes from the Ordovician of Colorado," Nature, 379:628-630,
Feb. 15, 1996, p. 628
50 million year gap between the first and second fossil vascular plants
Chongyang Cal, Shu Ouyang, Yi Wang, Zongjie Fang, Jiayu rong Liangyu Geng
and Xingxue Li "An Early Silurian Vascular Plant," Nature, 379, Feb. 15,
1996, p. 592
45 million year gap between the first and second spider
Paul A. Selden, "Fossil mesothele spiders," Nature, 379, Feb. 8, 1996, p. 498
20 million year gap between the first and second Tyrannosaur
" Fossil may be oldest known tyrannosaur", Dallas Morning News, June 24,
1996, p. 10D
65 million year gap between the first and second birds in Malagasy
Catherine A. Forster, et al, "The First Cretaceous Bird from Madagascar,"
Nature 382, August 8, 1996, p. 532
450 million year gap between the first and second fossilized tubeworm
C.T.S. Little, et al, "Silurian Hydrothermal-vent Communitiy from the
Southern Urals, Russia," Nature, 385, Jan. 9, 1997, p. 146-148, p. 146
160 million year gap between the first and second pollen eating insects
37 million year gap between the first and second fossil sponge
Chia-Wei Li, Jun-Yuan Chen and Tzu-En Hua,"Precambrian Sponges with
Cellular Structures," Science 279(1998):879-882, p. 879
65 million year gap between the first and second crawfish fossil
Loren E. Babcock et al, "Paleozoic-Mesozoic Craytfish from Antarctica:
Earliest Evidence of Freshwater Decapod Crustaceans," Geology
94 million year gap between the first and second coelurosaurian dinosaur
Xijin Zhao, Xing Xu, "The Oldest Coelurosaurian," Nature 394(1998) p. 234
When you want a lot of rhetoric but little knowledge, go to Stephen.
Don't bother replying Stephen, what you say is no value.
Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Lots of information on creation/evolution