RE: Two Complementary faces of establishment science

Susan Brassfield (
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:38:16 -0600

David J. Tyler wrote:
>> Tyler: The philosophy of naturalism is the choice of people who are in a
>>state of alienation from God.

and later also wrote:
>Surely my comment above is non-controversial to naturalists -
>although they might express it differently (e.g. they might say
>they are alienated from the concept of God).

The probably unconscious but nevertheless unrelenting arrogance of
Christians is breathtaking no matter how many times I run into it.

First: "naturalism" especially in science, is not identical with atheism
Second: an atheist is no more "alienated from God" than you are alienated
from White Buffalo Calf Woman.



"Life itself is the proper binge."
--Julia Child