RE: science can study the effect of an Intelligent Designer on the natural world (was MN...))

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 23:30:27 -0700

SJ :However, materialist-naturalists can still deny design by claiming that
natural processes alone are sufficient to account for the evident design
of the living world. This would still not rule out design, but it would
not establish it either. What the ID movement is trying to do is to establish
that there are some natural processes that *only* Intelligent Design could
plausibly explain.

So far without much success.
SJ : It would also help society. It is pretty clear that materialistic Western
society is is deep trouble.

Speak for yourself and for US society perhaps.

SJ: Having been an atheist in my teens and still
remembering vividly the sense of hopelessness that brought, I am not
surprised that young people who are taught in school that they are just
cosmic accidents turn to drugs, violence, murder and suicide.

Nice strawman arguments. Come on Steve if you want to do science then you should at least pretend to be able to back it up with some evidence.

SJ: It would also help science. No longer need scientists feel they had to deny
design to do good science, as Darwinist `thought-police' like Crick try to

Paranoid as well ?

SJ : Finally, if "Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist"
(Dawkins R., "The Blind Watchmaker," 1991, p6), then the re-establishment
of design would make atheism even less intellectually fulfilling than it is

Steve you're showing once again how empty your rethoric truely is. If ID can only exist in rethoric and ad hominem then it has no future. So far it has made little attempts to grow up.