Re: I'm back!

Susan Brassfield (
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 14:20:58 -0600

Stephen Jones wrote:
>>>Biology Teachers, 1995 Statement on Teaching Evolution, in Johnson
>>>P.E., "Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds," 1997, p15).
>SB>as you know, but fail to mention, the above statement was altered by the
>>Association and the words "unspervised...natural process" were deleted.
>As Susan knows, but fails to mention, I said "...the *original* 1995 official
>Position Statement..."! I took it for granted that everybody on this list
>knows that the original statement was watered down by the NABT under pressure
>from Eugenie Scott of the NCSE because it confirmed Johnson's critique. I
>quoted the original position because it is what the NABT *really* still

scientists, unlike religionists, are expected to change their minds and
statements when their errors are pointed out to them. The NABT did that.
You are confusing religion and science again.

>SB>And rightly so. If some mythological figure is supervising and directing
>>evolution, he/she/it is doing it in such a way that it is undetectable and
>Susan again reveals her prejudice here.

please address me directly and not your audience. It will seem less rude on
your part, but I think you can manage it.

>Because she is convinced
>that God must be "mythological figure" then of course He is "undetectable
>and unmeasurable" *to her*. As Grasse says: "if people wilfully close their
>eyes to it, they will not see." (Grasse P.-P., "Evolution of Living
>1977, p218)

the mythological nature of any of the gods has no bearing on wheither or
not they act on nature and in history. If some god or other actually does
exist and *is* acting on nature and history then it isn't detectible at
this time.

>If God the Intelligent Designer is *real* then the evidence that she *thinks*
>is "evolution" is really evidence of *mediate creation.*

so how can we tell one way or another? Because it would look just as it
does now, if the gods exist or not.

>SB>To say that such a figure is *not* doing it is ridiculous
>>and also unsupportable.
>Agreed. But I am *not* saying what God is not doing. I am saying what God
>*is* doing! I am proposing a positive general theory of Mediate Creation,
>not just a negative attack on Darwinian evolution.

oh really? please share it with us!

>there and conforms to all other events. If God annihilates or creates
>or deflects a unit of matter He has created a new situation at that
>point. Immediately all Nature domiciles this new situation, makes it
>at home in her realm, adapts all other events to it." (Lewis C.S.,
>"Miracles," 1963, p63)

so how do we tell the difference between White Buffalo Calf Woman knocking
out her divine pipe and the ordinary laws of nature? Isn't Lewis agreeing
with me? Isn't he saying you can't possibly tell the difference?

>" is the Christian world which finally gave birth in a clear articulate
>fashion to the experimental method of science itself...

that's funny, I thought the Enlightenment gave birth to the scientific
method! When you hold your hand up to the sky, you can blot out the sun
with your thumb. :-)



"Life itself is the proper binge."
--Julia Child