RE: Are developmental biologists irreducibly dense?

Pim van Meurs (
Fri, 18 Jun 1999 08:55:03 -0700

Bertavn: Hi, I like it. I am grateful to Christians like Johnson for challenging
materialistic science, but I wish this debate were less secular. Recognizing
the universe is the result of some highly complex design would not prove
Christianity or any other form of Theism, although it doesn't rule Theism out
as materialistic science seems to do. "Design" merely suggests the universe
is not a meaningless accident. The purpose of the design well might be to do
what it appears to be doing--creating a universe capable of understanding

Of course we still have to find a way to distinguish apparant design from purposeful design. You are right that "design" _might_ suggest but the problem is that it does not allow us to distinguish between the two forms of design.