Re: Abiogenesis and the Ency Brit

Ed Brayton (
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 19:03:22 -0500

Kevin L. O'Brien wrote:
> Well, the evolution reflector cut my post in half again! This is getting both ridiculous and frustrating. Isn't there anyone out there who can look into this and try to find out what's wrong?!

Kevin, I suspect there is a problem with your mail software. No one else
seems to have this problem. In addition, your messages occassionally
cannot be seen at all - they flash when you highlight them, then the
text disappears. On the other list, several people had this trouble with
some (strangely, only some) of your messages, and had to resort to
forwarding them to themselves to fix it. It seems your system is doing
something really strange.
