Re: Abiogenesis and the Ency Brit

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Fri, 30 Oct 1998 21:06:14 -0700

There were gross discrepancies in the Haeckel's data. Anyone arguing
that it was not purposeful depends upon an audience ignorant of
laboratory research. Even laboratory technicians are taught to be
scrupulously exact. Haeckel's gross discrepancies were obvious fraud,
not carelessness. The fraud was deliberate and thoughtful, like the
Piltdown man, to further the evolutionist agenda.
The next argument is that a gang of partisans wrote in complaining that
they use Haeckel's falsified data and because they are so many it can't
be false. That is the democracy principle. If there are enough votes,
then the data are not false and any falsehood can be voted true.
And the next argument is that Haeckel was truly a great man and his
critics were jealous. Therefore, we must find Haeckel innocent and the
critics guilty.
Anyone who speaks against the party line on this list is always
scrubbed by big brothers until his brain thinks only party line. And
they will frankly tell you that not thinking party line is dangerous.
They know. All their brains have been thoroughly scrubbed.
Welcome to evolution's brave new world.
Joseph Mastropaolo