I third the motion. Actually, I made the motion a couple of weeks ago,
but it didn't seem to help then. And I've still never figured out what
the hell "four-flushing" is, though it might have something to do with
the amount of fecal material being dropped on the list.
> I especially find it distasteful that some people have
> chosen to score cheap debating points against the patent nonsense
> Joseph has introduced. Please show some self-control...and let it
> drop.
Frankly, the patent nonsense is far more distasteful than the reactions
to it. At some point, there is nothing left but to ignore him or make
fun of him; he is immune to anything else. Ridicule may lawfully be
employed where reason has no hope of success. In the end, though, I'm
glad to see others come around to what I suggested quite a while ago -
ignore this guy. He is a tar baby.