RE: Abiogenesis and the Ency Brit

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 07:39:02 -0700

Greetings Art:

Thanks for the encouragement. I'll probably get more support from people like you and Burgy than I will even from more hardcore anti-creationists.

Speaking of textbooks, Stephen Jay Gould has documented the crap that often gets into them and is almost never removed from later editions. And Richard Shenkman has documented that a lot of the American and world history that is taught as fact is actually pure fiction. So I am not surprised that something as fraudulent as the "Haeckel fraud" could be blindly accepted by textbook authors and editors, as well as modern historians of science, even though it is a pure fiction. The real experts, the developmental biologists who know that Haeckel is no fraud and that his biogenetic law is the basis of modern developmental biology, seldom write or edit textbooks, or serve as historical scholars, so their voices are seldom heard.

Kevin L. O'Brien

"Good God, consider yourselves fortunate that you have John Adams to abuse, for no sane man would tolerate it!" William Daniels, _1776_