RE: Glenn wrote:

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 07:39:29 -0700

Greetings Art:

"Probably about the same as your rationalization for saying that you have eternal life because you believe that a Divine Being took on the likeness of humanity, lived on the earth a few thousand years ago and died for you."

Except that that rationalization is Biblically based, whereas the rationalization you use to support your claim is not. But I'll let that drop.

"I am trying my best to communicate with you, but it appears we are not connecting."

I disagree; it seems to me you have done nearly everything possible to avoid connecting. But I'll let that drop.

"Perhaps this would be a good time to move on to other things."

Even an obstinate, argumentative, SOB like myself knows when to give up. So be it. But since I do not understand your claim and since you will not explain it, I have to follow my instincts. Your claim is not Scriptural; therefore it is false.

Kevin L. O'Brien