RE: wagers: a suggestion

Pim van Meurs (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 20:26:32 -0800

These wagers, of course, appear to be presented *only* for the purposes of
mockery. That is, Joseph presents them because he knows he can't make his
points in a straightforward logical way.

Indeed, Joseph has failed to address the rebuttals to his arguments only to resurface with more silly bets. And this is the same person who claimed to be a scientist and to honor the scientific method. Well, we have yet to see evidence of such.

Mike: What I suggest is what was suggested to me: simply ignore these wager
posts. If he makes a valid point worthy of response, respond to it, and
omit anything he says about wagers.

That's quite easy. You bring up a good point though. Joseph, through his inactions of dealing with rebuttals shows exactly what is wrong with his style of arguments.