Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King ofCriminals.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 21:59:18 -0700

My compliments. You are on. Here is how we proceed.
(1) You give the evidence that Haeckel was tried in municipal, state,
state superior, state appellate, state supreme, federal, federal
appellate or federal supreme court for his fraudulent embryo drawings,
then I'll give evidence that he was convicted.
(2) If you can't give the evidence that Haeckel was tried in court for
his fraudulent embryo drawings, then I shall give evidence from a
peer-reviewed science publication that he falsified the drawings.
(3) We both deposit $100,000 in escrow by 15 November 1998 with the
following instructions:
(a) If you give the evidence in (1) and I do not, then you collect the
(b) If we both execute (1), then I collect the $200,000.
(c) If you cannot give the evidence in (1), and I cannot give the
evidence in (2), then you collect the $200,000.
(d) If you cannot give the evidence in (1), and I do give the evidence
in (2), then I collect the $200,000.
Joseph Mastropaolo