Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 11:53:06 -0700

The following was sent because I reported facts, I was called a liar and
I called the liars' bluffs. Was it "a rigged bet?" Only if the
four-flushing liars realized they had been caught and would not put
their money where their lying mouths were.

Mastropaolo , Thu 4:02 PM)
To Mike, Ed and Kevin:
> Evolutionists are sorely in need of a champion. Would you like another
> chance at the challenges that proved that evolutionists are liars and
> they believe in miracles? And would you like again the rationale for the
> evolutionist philosophy furthering the greatest organized crime in the
> history of the planet: the accelerated demise of every species in the
> only known biosphere in the universe?
> If you missed out on the $121,000.00 in prize money for an evolutionist
> champion, I'd be glad to give you another chance at it.
> Joseph Mastropaolo

I repeat the following with the admonition that it can be documented:
> One may add that in keeping with evolution's fictional foundation and
> tradition, Ernst Haeckel's famous Fundamental Biogenetic Law, "Ontogeny
> recapitulates phylogeny," was a fraudulent misrepresentation perpetuated
> in biology textbooks for 130 years. "He was somewhat unscrupulous in the
> treatment of scientific facts," is borne out by the fact that he
> falsified the drawings of the embryos and his long-lived contribution to
> evolution has become known as one of the most famous fakes in biology.

Kevin L. O'Brien said, "This claim is an out-right lie. Haeckel
committed no fraud." I said Haeckel committed fraud and Kevin says I am
lying. I in turn state that Kevin is a repeated liar because Haeckel
committed fraud. Shall we put $10,000 on the issue of Haeckel's fraud?
If Kevin again refuses to put his money where his lying mouth is, will
some other evolutionist on the list please cover for him?
Joseph Mastropaolo