Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of Criminals.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 11:03:58 -0700

There was a spammer on the feeder to our server and the following may
not have gotten through to you.

> Re: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of Criminals. (Joseph
> Mastropaolo , Sun 4:12 PM)
> To:
> "John W. Burgeson" <>
> CC:
> You wrote:
> > As a Christian, I assert quite firmly that I value truth very highly.
> > In my sometimes imprecise writing, it may not always appear that way.
> > I am always ready to accept criticism in such cases.
> The issues involved in the $121,000 in prize money were not trivial,
> they were not founded on "imprecise writing," and it was not your
> writing. The issues were bedrock and the lies were 180 degrees out of
> phase with the truth, like white is black. So when you said that it was
> getting a little old and that you would "rather see the LISTSERV
> dedicated to substantive issues," that suggested you knew the evolution
> and truth issues and none were important to you.
> Do I understand you now to say that the truth, especially about the
> bedrock issues, is important, is substantive and ought to be discussed
> on the LISTSERV?
> If so, then I misunderstood, ought to apologize and ought to be
> gratified that you will stand up for the truth, especially about the
> bedrock issues.
> If not, then "It is a pity that you and so many others on this list
> don't value
> truth" seems justified.
> Joseph