RE: Glenn wrote:

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 10:08:15 -0800

At 08:16 AM 10/26/98 -0700, Kevin wrote:

>Please explain how God uses genes as vehicles of communication with His

I thought that was so obvious as to need no explanation. Sorry. Somehow
God has to generate a human being (or an antelope) from materials that are
present on the earth. This, the human (or antelope) does, using the
mechanisms of molecular biology dictated by the genetic code. Thus the
genetic code is a means by which God communicates whatever likeness of
himself that may be physical, and perhaps as well the mental abilities that
reflect His image in us. Thats what I thought I had implied in the
original post. My fault.
>If God is not a flesh-and-blood human being, then in what way are we made
in the physical image of God?

I think I answered this in the last post, at least to the best of my
