RE: The Evolutionist: Liar, Believer In Miracles, King of Criminals.

Pim van Meurs (
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 08:13:25 -0800

MikeL <<Even by your "logic", this one seems like a stretch. Care to explain how
evolution, even if it is as false as you assert, has accelerated the demise
of every species? I wasn't aware that scientific theories caused their
subjects to spontaneously combust. Or are you just getting carried away
with your rhetoric again? BTW, any response consisting of merely "you are
a liar" or "accept Joseph's Amazing Technicolour Dream Challenge" will be

My prediction is that you will soon be ignoring Joseph as he has failed to address any postings which substantially addressed his comments or destroyed his arguments.
I was hoping that as a 'scientist' Joseph would be able to use the scientific method to address such postings. I was wrong.
