RE: Janet posts to T.O. as well

Pim van Meurs (
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 22:57:04 -0800

I read that message. Indeed she is doing everything to avoid having to deal with data that show her ideas or Petersen's ideas to be without merrit.


From: Ed Brayton[]
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 1998 9:19 PM
To: Pim van Meurs
Subject: Re: Janet posts to T.O. as well

Pim van Meurs wrote:
> Some good postings on TO have destroyed any idea that Petersen understood what he was discussing wrt loess, thunderstorms etc.
> It is interesting to see how pseudo-science does not stand up to scientific scrutiny.
> Now the question is: Will Janet put up a rebuttal on her webpage or pretend that none had been given ?
> We shall see...

She already responded to one by saying that her husband didn't allow her
to speak to "ruffians". And this was a perfectly civil message that
focused only on the formation of thunderstorms. Watch her wiggle, see
her jiggle.... You can shoot logic at her feet and watch her dance.
