Glenn wrote:

John W. Burgeson (
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 14:24:23 -0600

Glenn wrote:

>Assuming (big if) that such a set of insertions actually moved
> the chimp toward the human form and cognition,
>what would people opposed to
> evolution then say to maintain the anti-evolutionary position?

Glenn -- I proposed exactly this scenario almost 10 years ago to both a
strong atheist and some of my YEC friends.

The YEC friends were curiously silent.

My atheist colleague got so upset over the idea that all he would talk
about was the ethics of such an experiment. To be fair, he had been
conditioned by Holocaust experiences and the "sub human" concept. But we
could never get a rational discussion going, even over e-mail!

For my part, it would be a terrible piece of data to overcome for my YEC
friends. I am not sure it does much to the PC or TE position though. For
the "animal rights" people, it would be a strong argument point!
(Save the baby mosquitoes!)

It seems to me that such an experiment is quite likely possible, and if
possible at all, it will most probably be carried out by someone,
somewhere. Assuming a new "group" of beings is thus created, it is going
to be a real ethical problem as to how to treat them! Much more than
abortion and same-sex behavior! But I'd rather talk about the effect on
the YECs. Art -- how would you view this?


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