Re: Last Day Of Last Call For All Evolutionists To The Ultimate

Joel Duff (
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 12:47:43 -0500

>This is the last day of the last call for all evolutionists to prove
>once and for all that they are not a gang of liars and that evolution is
>not the greatest fraudulent misrepresentation, and therefore the
>greatest example of anti-science, of the nineteenth and twentieth
>centuries. Today, Monday, October 19, 1998 is E-Day, Escrow-Day. The
>evolutionist gang will come out of their superstitious materialistic
>burrows and open escrow with me today or they will stay hidden muttering
>their lies to each other in their primevil caves.

Hey Joseph,

There is a well publicized call for anyone to "prove" the earth is moving,
not just around the sun but moving at all. There is a 10,000 dollar award
and yet not one evolutionists has stepped forward to claim the prize. Now
you know the earth doesn't move but don't evolutionists believe that it is
does? Maybe your right, they are just a gang of liars and won't put their
money where their mouth is.
