Re: Last Day Of Last Call For All Evolutionists To The Ultimate Challenge.

Joseph Mastropaolo (
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 10:36:47 -0700

This is the last day of the last call for all evolutionists to prove
once and for all that they are not a gang of liars and that evolution is
not the greatest fraudulent misrepresentation, and therefore the
greatest example of anti-science, of the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries. Today, Monday, October 19, 1998 is E-Day, Escrow-Day. The
evolutionist gang will come out of their superstitious materialistic
burrows and open escrow with me today or they will stay hidden muttering
their lies to each other in their primevil caves.

> Cliff Lundberg wrote:
> > Joseph Mastropaolo wrote:
> >
> > > And when the people on this list deny and ridicule the importance of
> > > telling the truth and deny and ridicule the rules of proof statistics,
> > > they have not changed science. They have only ruled themselves out of
> > > the realm of science into the realm of anti-science.
> >
> > Joseph, as far I can tell, you purposefully falsfified a quotation
> > (from the Encyclopedia Brittanica). This to me is beyond the pale
> > and antagonistic to all the goals of this list.
> >
> > Cliff Lundberg ~ San Francisco ~
> Cliff:
> I understand. You are calling me a liar. And I say again that you and
> the other evolutionists on this list are the liars and evolution is
> anti-science.
> Let us settle it fair and square for once and for all, for one and all
> on this list.
> 1. We both put $10,000.00 in escrow with the following instructions:
> 2. If I do not deposit, in five working days from the opening of
> escrow, the Encyclopaedia Britannica that says, "SPONTANEOUS GENERATION,
> in biology, is the theory, now disproved, that living organisms
> sometimes arise from nonliving matter. It is sometimes referred to as
> abiogenesis, as opposed to biogenesis, the now-established fact that
> living organisms arise only from the reproduction of previously existing
> organisms." then you collect the $20,000.00.
> 3. If I do, then I collect the $20,000.00.
> 4. Fair enough? Do we have a deal? Shall I set up the escrow?
> Now, please don't back out like Glenn Morton, Pim van Meurs, Ed
> Brayton, Steve Clark and all the other evolutionists of this list
> invited to participate in the previous challenges.
> Be the Champion of the List!
> Prove decisively that evolutionists are not liars and evolution is not
> anti-science.
> Or, back out and prove again that evolutionists are liars and evolution
> is anti-science.
> Joseph Mastropaolo