The canopy

John W. Burgeson (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 16:33:17 -0600

Glenn wrote: "Unfortunately, the vapor canopy is so ingrained in ICR's
dogma, that it cannot see that it is totally useless as an apologetic.
Yet in spite of now
8 years of hard work by Vardiman showing that the canopy is not a viable
explanation, ICR continues to assert that the bible teaches a vapor
canopy. Why do good christians tie the infallible word of God to a
that is false?"

Obviously, Glenn, because they choose to believe what the Bible says
(their best interpretation) over everything else. I don't see that they
have any room to deviate from that position -- I know I don't. I can, of
course, question my interpretation of the Bible -- and have done so on
occasion. But if I were as sure of the literalness of the flood story as
Vardiman is, and of the YEC position as Vardiman is, then I'd have to say
he was following up as best he could on the science behind it.

Turn the question around. Suppose Vardiman comes up someday with a
possible scenario for a canopy -- or something similar. Would you, then,
revert to a YEC position? I suspect not -- you (and I) "know too much."
Take my thought-problem a step (many steps) farther -- suppose that ICR
is successful one day in constructing a plausible, consistent,
explanation (one that has no more "holes" in it than conventional
science) for a YEC position. Would you revert to being a YEC? What if
that explanation did fail (miserably) the Occham's razor test, but still
held together OK otherwise? Would you revert then?

Would I? I don't know. Maybe.


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