Re: Glenn wrote (on 9/30)

Glenn R. Morton (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 17:44:53 -0500

At 11:55 AM 10/17/98 -0600, John W. Burgeson wrote:
>Glenn -- you wrote (on 9/30) as follows:
>"In the Beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.
>If there is no history in the above then we are chasing our tails. If
>Genesis 1 is allegory why must we believe that the very first verse is
>real???? That is inconsistent."
>Sorry Glenn -- I see no inconsistency. This verse tells us two things,
>(1) there was a beginning of things (from our perspective) and (2) God
>did it. It tells us nothing of HOW anything happened. It tells us nothing
>of "history."

It tells us a very significant fact about history--there was a beginning
and God was the cause. This is history!!! Hopefully true history rather
than fabricated tales. That is precisely my point. Genesis 1:1 MUST be
historical rather than allegorical. But what happens is that everyone gets
weak knees when Genesis 1:2-Genesis 11:32 comes along and they REVERT to
allegory. They start with history go to allegory then back to history with

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