RE: Mastropaolo's probabilities are science.

Kevin L. O'Brien (
Wed, 14 Oct 1998 08:12:25 -0600


"Pim, you are lying again. The issue is the geometry of proteins, not marbles, not rocks, not dice. If you can't tell the truth, at least lie about the correct subject. Do you have a truth disability? If so, I'll stop. Why can't you answer simple questions, like do you have a truth disability or are you a Christian? You do not do well with the complex ones."

As a protein chemist I am an expert on the geometry of proteins. Your views on probability and statistical significance have nothing to do with that subject. I demonstrated that in the post that Pim is referring to.

You only sent me a private reply to that post. Why didn't you respond publicly?

You did not address my points concerning probability and statistical significance. Why not?

Instead you concentrated on one minor point and then proceeded to distort what I said into a strawman argument in an attempt to get me angry enough to personally attack you. Why did you do that?

And you have the nerve to call Pim a liar? I guess you're right, in what you said in another private, you are no Christian.

Kevin L. O'Brien